How To Spend The Day In Phillipsburg Montana

Phillipsburg, Montana, is just one of those towns that is so much fun to visit and explore! We were lucky enough that Kylie and I were able to go during our trip to Montana in 2017, so when we all went back, it was on the list to take Bella and Michael as well.  We did even more than we did the first time the kids are already planning their next trip back!   

Skalkaho Falls in montana

I have included links to some great products I have bought and love. You can also buy them through my online sales links. In addition, this post contains affiliate links that will earn me a small commission when you use them to order online.

Now, if you have ever been to this part of Montana, the way we went to Phillipsburg was beautiful! We stayed with family in Hamilton, Montana, so we took MT 38-E, aka Skalkaho Pass, and it was such a beautiful dive! But warning: there is no cell service on this road. 

We did see three Moose, deer, and even a bear on the highway this year! And we always stop to see the fantastic Skalkaho Falls. We get out and walk around. It seemed to be different this year than last year, but it was still amazing! 

Skalkaho Falls in montana

Now, my favorite part of Phillipsburg is just the old historic town and buildings! Being from South Dakota, I have always had a soft spot for small cities and the pace of small-town life too.

Photo of main stree Phillipsburg Montana


We started our day by checking out the shops! There were so many to look at, we had to run into Snookies Mercantile (see their site -> here where we get our Huckleberry Jam! I don’t know why, but this is the best Huckleberry Jam we have ever gotten. ) 

Outside of Kaiser House in Phillipsburg Montana

We grabbed extra last time because the Washington And Oregon Jams didn’t compare.  There are so many cute shops up and down the street; window shopping is so much fun in small towns like this!

Photo of the sweet Palace place in Phillipsburg Montana

The sweet Palace

 Now this is no surprise, my kids, favorite stop in Phillipsburg.  This store is wall-to-wall candy by the pound! Any candy, taffy, or fudge you can think of is found here!

 Plus, you can mix and match everything as well. If you are a huge Huckleberry fan they have a ton of different candy’s to pick from! See more on their website -> here!

Candy at the Sweet Palace in Phillipsburg Montana


Phillipsburg Brewery

The kids and I walked past this place; it looked like a fun hangout place! The smell of the food was pretty good, but we were on our way to the gem shop!  The family we were with tried to go back after the ghost town to have a drink but the place was packed! It’s a local favorite! See their website for more info -> here!

Table and chair as decor in Phillipsburg Montana

Doe Brother’s

This is where we ended up for lunch, and it is a cute little place to eat. Kylie and I had eaten there the year before, so we ended up here.  The kids loved the old-fashioned sodas they served; it was a fun treat to enjoy while we were in town. 

You can see more on their facebook page -> here!  Of course, we were so busy eating and talking I forgot to take pictures of our food and drinks.

Doe Brothers Soda Fountain window and menus

Things to do In Phillipsburg

Gem Mountain Sapphire Mine

After the candy shop the Gem Mountain was a close second favorite! The kids got a bucket of dirt from Gem Mountain Sapphire Mine! They had a blast digging through the rocks and finding sapphires.

Kids Digging for Saphires at Rockshop Gem Mountain

The staff was so friendly, helping the kids and washing our dirt for us. You can learn more -> here. We are hoping our next visit will catch the mine open so we can go to the mine.

Saphires found at Rockshop Gem Mountain

Granite Ghost Town

This was an experience my kids are already talking about going back to. We had no idea this was there. I mean, to see one of the original towns and the original bank still standing was fun. Now you do need four-wheel drive as it’s an unmaintained road, and only one lane, too.

Bank at Granite Ghost Town

The part we pulled up to had the last house that the previous tenant lived in. If you can’t tell, Kylie has seen too many scary movies and did not like that I kept being able to scare them. The kids loved looking at the old buildings and seeing how the town had disappeared.

Kylie outside of the last house lived in at Granite Ghost Town

We plan to return with more time to explore and research a bit better on where to see more buildings!!! You can see more about Granite Ghost Town -> here.

Granite Ghost Town Buildings

Have you been to Montana before??

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